mazillofacial surgical guides

mazillofacial surgical guides

  • Treatment Planning: Maxillofacial surgical guides play a crucial role in the preoperative planning phase. Surgeons use medical imaging, such as CT scans or cone-beam CT, to create a 3D model of the patient's maxillofacial anatomy. This 3D model serves as the basis for treatment planning.
  • Virtual Surgery: Surgeons can perform a virtual surgery on the 3D model using specialized software. This allows them to simulate various surgical approaches, assess the best possible outcome, and make precise measurements for implant placement, bone repositioning, or other procedures.
  • Guide Design: Once the virtual surgery is planned, the surgical guides are designed digitally. These guides are custom-made for each patient and are tailored to the specific surgical procedure to be performed.
  • 3D Printing: The digital design of the surgical guide is sent to a 3D printer, which creates a physical, patient-specific guide using biocompatible materials. These guides are typically transparent or partially transparent to allow for better visualization during surgery and etc....